Thank you to FlexiDB for supporting #WCEU as an Administrator sponsor

Welcome to FlexiDB who are joining the WordCamp Europe Administrator sponsors! We really appreciate your support and couldn’t have done this without you! Stop by the FlexiDB booth at WCEU to express your gratitude for helping bring us all together.

144285007 - FelxiDB-NewYork-logo-2FlexiDB is a FREE tool for creating databases graphically, then deploying to websites and apps.  It’s been designed with WordPress in mind.  Our aim is to make creating a database as easy as adding post or page.  There is a plugin for WordPress that lets users drag and drop data widgets on to the page.  WordPress was originally a blogging tool, before evolving into a CMS.  With FlexiDB, you can use WordPress to build custom database sites, or DaaS’s to give them their trendy name.  FlexiDB also has an app editor that produces PhoneGap code, so users can create an app that interacts with the same FlexiDB database.

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